Halloween FUN Day
Date : 30/10/2020
Venue : School
Participants : All teachers and students
On 30th October, all teachers and students dressed up for our Halloween Fun Day as wizards, witches, pumpkins and skeletons...etc. Students were excited to watch an interesting video and a funny live show to learn English about Halloween. They were also delighted to play ‘trick or treat’and take photos with their teachers and classmates.
Native English Teachers are rehearsing for the Halloween video!
Native English Teachers are broadcasting the Halloween live show.
Students are playing a guessing game with Miss Gill.
Students are watching the Halloween video attentively.
Mr. Graham is teaching students Halloween words.
Students enjoy answering the spooky riddle games in the live show.
Teachers are doing different body gestures in the guessing game.
Come and join our gang!
CLCT Horror Family!
Trick or treat? Give me something good to eat.
Do we scare you away?
We win the Halloween game!